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02-06-2024 09:01
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national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/budget

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Hi , we all know that these days there is so much greed and exuberance , we also know that there is so much poverty , but , when our banks and governments tell us that they are broke or overspent , and, we, as working people, need to make sacrifices, and take the heat, losing jobs, and going into financial worry, etc. well I can see in the blink of an eye how things could make a difference, well ,there are huge money making companies who avoid paying tax , there are bankers , who still get ridiculous bonuses , and there are the lazy ass class, like my new neighbours, they get a 13 week benefits cheque, for doing absolutely nothing, but making low life nuisances of themselves, am I being inhumane or a Nazi for thinking that any of the above is wrong , and what annoys you the most about the headline, do you have any solutions , many thanks for your time and input, its ok to mention space travel , if you feel the need..
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Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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aldebaran wrote:
Thank god for modern medicine with its vaccines and pills !

But do they need to be so outrageously expensive...are the pharmaceutical industries ripping off the people and governments.

albeagle wrote:
dowopado have you checked the cancer rates?

No I didn't...I am afraid they are the unfortunate ones that will not reach the average life expectancies. The answer to the above post also applies here.

@heddo...increased populations and the increased desire of a better quality life, and longer life...are probably a few of the problems governments face that creates deficits...governments feel compelled to help the citizens of their countries.

Απ: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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depends on how you see life, what you want to do with your life and your priorities


for me, healthcare and pharmaceutical industry should be 100% government controlled and free for all, but that's a social utopia dream and not something achievable in a society that made money a commodity


we can all be bums/thieves and we can all be entrepreneurs
most of the times, it's the "environment" that pushes us to the right direction

perhaps instead of just giving the money to the unemployed couples, they could just give an incentive to either start their own jobs or to an employer to give them a job for a year or so

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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Now you have to worry about all these middle eastern refugees. Which get welfare, free everything. You got George Soros funding it. Its the end of Europe, the United States as well. This sick mf are pushing for open borders. I have nothing against the Syrian people but the refugee crisis is created on purpose. And most of the refugees are from other countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Its sick and people are doing nothing to stop it. The Syrian refugee crisis is created to destroy Europe.

Uuesti: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficit

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aldebaran wrote:
for me, healthcare and pharmaceutical industry should be 100% government controlled and free for all, but that's a social utopia dream and not something achievable in a society that made money a commodity

Check out people who haven't been sick (not even a cold or a headache) for 20+ years. What do these people eat?

There is no need for a healthcare/pharma industry. Men (and men-dominated animals) are the only sick animal species. Eat what man is suppose to eat and you'll live a long and truly healthy life.

Απ: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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you're almost correct

even if all people on earth ate what they're supposed to eat, then some would still die/get sick because of disease and other ailments

humans are still part of nature's great cycle...
and since we're on top of the food chain, disease and ailments are what keeps us in check (survival of the fittest kind of thing) (not counting death cause of old age)

Now, if you're saying that we don't need pills and medicine made by industry, because we can find cure in nature's plants and herbs...then I agree with you

The problem is that you need to have a cure available at any time and ready to be administered as needed, something that can't be done today with the number of people living on earth.

there's a bunch of alternative medicine methods that for some people work. agreed
there are people that don't take any pills/drugs and don't get sick, just by following a healthy diet/way of life. agreed
there's also people who smoke like a chimney and drink a 6 pack beer each day and get to live up to 80+

DNA works in mysterious ways and we're still far from knowing how everything works

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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All Hail the Mighty Beaver!

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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aemi wrote:
All Hail the Mighty Beaver!

ignoring that and moving on....

the government implemented all sorts of great "fail safes" for their citizens like welfare, unemployment insurance, long-term disability, baby bonuses & maternity leave, etc. the only problem is that people are trying (and succeeding) to exploit these programs and the government ends up pays millions upon millions to people who don't really need help at all.

how many people here work with somebody who seems to be on Long-Term Disability every other year? I have multiple people at my job who seem to be off for years at a time, make an appearance for a couple of months and then are gone again. yet, they seem to be just fine while they are at work.

in my opinion welfare shouldn't just be handed out. governments should make you work for the money. basically, make jobs available to anybody who wants them. if you are capable of working, then you should be working and not just collecting a "paycheck" for doing nothing. i don't care if it's walking around picking up garbage, or working in a park cutting grass - you should have to earn in somehow!

and yeah, pretty much everybody who was responsible for the 2008 global financial collapse is still living the high life. that just sucks!

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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smiller29 wrote:
a lot of money has already been dropped on hydrogen cars and the technology is simply not there.

the cars that split water still operate on a combustion engine and they have not come close to reaching their theoretical efficiencies. as a result they are neither cost efficient nor energy efficient and they are still creating emissions.

hydrogen fuel cell cars are energy efficient but they are so bloody expensive that they are unlikely to ever be available to the public on a mass scale.

hydrogen cars are a better example of governments wasting their money as opposed to government suppressing technology for long term financial gain.

Has anyone watched the documentary who killed the electric car. They literally took off the road by forced decree and demolished perfectly good vehicles, that had all the range city people needed to do their daily tasks, ran fine, had a good top speed and really low maintenance costs (ie give them a wheel alignment now and then).

All because as far as I can tell, they didn't use petrol or require the manufacturing of a wide assortment of replacement parts that created huge profits for the companies that supplied the auto industry at the time (these companies still control the auto-industry).

On national economics

I don't like using the the whole 99% against the 1% argument, but as an anthropologist I look at the data and can't disagree with it as the wealth gap is widening. The world has been built on extracting the resources from one place cheaply and selling them for mass profits in another country. Whether it was people (slavery), mineral wealth, crops, manufacturing or textiles the story is much the same.

You have a revolution and the first generation is great, like in South Africa, but then when the transition of power occurs those below them have grow up within the system, are use to have wealth and power and are removed from context in which their predecessors were elected.

At a local level you can still make a difference for the community you live in, and the way to make the world a better place is through empowering local communities to improve the communities in which they live. Listening to their ideas, as they have plenty of good one and giving them the funds to implement them.

When people, companies or governments are parachuted in and go I've got a great idea, you need to do this and that without the knowledge of the local context, it always ends badly. Leading to problems being fixed decades later or just left unfinished.

Even basic things, such as in Papua New Guinea they installed water tanks in local communities with taps. Only no one had used a tap before, so no one knew to turn how to turn the taps off and the tanks either empty or had twigs stuffed up the pipe to stop the water coming.

Or another one is a government program in Australia was used to install toilets in indigenous households. But they only installed one per house, which was a problem because cultural traditions stipulate that indigenous men and women need to use different bathrooms. Plus the water heater rusted out because they didn't factor in that the water use comes from the Great Artesian Basin and has minerals in it which need to be filtered out of the water before it goes through any water system. Even then you have replace the filters regularly.

Anyway, I could go on but you get the picture. I'm trying to build a career giving back to people who have been forcibly denied equality within the countries they live, through no fault of their own.

It's like the saying goes "If you owe the bank a hundred dollars, that's your problem. If you owe the bank a million dollars, that's their problem". Yet some companies a held up as to big to fail, bullshit, people and companies need to be held accountable for their actions. The legal system doesn't do it, governments are afraid of the bad publicity when they stand up to big business and so the problems round and round until you're back where you started. Or people create new problems, because they stubbornly refused to agree that something that really would benefit them will.

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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Another way to put it is people get use to things being a certain way, they become comfortable within those social systems and don't like it when things upset the order of their lives.

Most people aren't entrepreneurs, they're not leaders, they just want to find a space and place were they can feel comfortable and be acknowledged, and respected for the work they do.

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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Dude, you have nailed it. Too bad our leaders don't visit the mz forums.
As a sign of respect for a brilliant post by an Aussie (I know right?), I won't do kangaroo jokes for the next 5 min.

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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aemi wrote:

Dude, you have nailed it. Too bad our leaders don't visit the mz forums.
As a sign of respect for a brilliant post by an Aussie (I know right?), I won't do kangaroo jokes for the next 5 min.

ding ding times up, do a kangaroo joke

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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bestplaymaker2134 wrote:
ding ding times up, do a kangaroo joke

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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got this one covered Aemi - take the night off

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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Looks like Canada's military just rolled into town.

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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@smiller29, brilliant, just brilliant!

Signing off,

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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beware of the attack moose

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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have you ever hit a moose? it would destroy that fighter plain. how the hell do they get so big and solid eating plants? makes no sense.

and that picture isn't accurate - the moose doesn't even have it's saddle on!
Edited: 26-10-2016 04:06
Total edits: 1

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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smiller29 wrote:
have you ever hit a moose? it would destroy that fighter plain. how the hell do they get so big and solid eating plants? makes no sense.

and that picture isn't accurate - the moose doesn't even have it's saddle on!

and dont get me started on the beaver...

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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aemi wrote:
and dont get me started on the beaver...

i dont give a dam about the beaver

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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You will when he pays you a visit.

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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aemi wrote:
You will when he pays you a visit.

WOODnt that BEaVER-Y funny

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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I love the beaver. He scores my goals #thefuture

Love Beavers

Age: 48

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
I love the beaver. He scores my goals #thefuture

Love Beavers

Age: 48

He's not a Canadian Beaver. You might as well fire him, he probably doesn't believe in free healthcare for all.


Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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aemi wrote:
He's not a Canadian Beaver. You might as well fire him, he probably doesn't believe in free healthcare for all.


You just need some

Man Love

Age: 49 (Retired)

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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Jack Hammer

Age: 47



Stiff Phil

Age: 47

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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Everyone just needs to calm down and explore some

Kunter Slita

Age: 49

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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But what about the

Moosa Beaver

Age: 48 (Retired)

The extremely rare group of aquatic creatures, who like the Giant Turtle and the Dodo were so delicious to eat they are now extinct and referred to through drinking hole mythology and plaques in rural pubs

Re: national financial infrastructures failing (debt/deficits/bu

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Aussies have gone crazy.

But as Hilary's friend, Michelle Obama has said: "When they go low, you go high."

Here is a reminder for all of us:

The World Health Organization has just issued a very stern world-wide warning regarding the eating of Kangaroo meat that is not fully cooked. A spokesperson for WHO, Allagretto Wickenwocker, Jr., informed the public that doing so could have dire consequences as it could result in an individual becoming extremely jumpy.

That explains the above behaviour of the Aussies.

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