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02-06-2024 10:58
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Rooney to Chelsea saga

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You heard it here first, Rooney to Chelsea, as wanted by Mourhinho, Moyes tired of waiting for Fabregas, takes Juan Mata in swap
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Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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Mata is worth about three times that of Rooney, it is insulting to suggest that Chelsea would swap Mata or Luiz, for someone completely off form and uninterested in performing for the club who pays him, or indeed the country who 'love' him.

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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I can only hope that Arsenal give their heads a big shake and then get Rooney than that bitey cheating fella. I'd rather have nobody than Suarez.

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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Stupid thing to say Matt... You'd have a shot at the title with him. I hope liverpool don't lose him.

And I hope this is rumour... I'd take mata for Rooney any day, Rooney is a has been.

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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Rooney is almost the same performance as Mata in midfield even though its out of Rooneys natural position. Just look at this.
Not bad for a fat playe out of form who is angry and confused is it??? vs a mata on full swing

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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So there is no way absolutely no way Mata is worth more than Rooney as he is reaching his prime and Rooney was played out of position and still performed, try placing Mata in strike and lets see what happens

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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Don't think it was that stupid to say, he still has a 6 game ban to get through. He also has a history of doing stupid things and pushing through transfers. Bet the Groningen fans love him to. He is also not worth 50 mill GBP.

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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Rooney is so amazing that Manchester United went out and bought Van Persie to replace him. He isn't even #1 choice at the club for his position.

And you try to say he is worth more than the #1 chelsea performer last season, and pretty much the first name on the team sheet.

Don't kid yourself. Mata is a class above Rooney.

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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I'm going to guess gamersrule is a Man Utd fan. He'd say that Moyes is better than Mourinho.

Suarez would realistically be wanted by every club in the PL. He is probably the best player in the league. Yes he does stupid things, but amongst those stupid things he wins matches... and that's what they are paid to do.

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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Look i never said Moyes is better than murinio or anything, i am meerrly saying although Rooney played out of position he still managed to perform like/similar Mata and stats prove this nicely and Rooney even is more better defenssively than Mata. 2 seasons ago Rooney hit lots of goals in EPL and is well worth more than Mata, where can Mata play other than Mid?, Rooney has more work rate then him as well so... im basing my answer on pure logic Rooney must be worth more than Mata.
Suarez is also class but i can only see him moving abbroad, it would be better for liverpool not to sell to a rival

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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Mata is Chelsea's key player, there is no way they are going to sell him.

Rooney on form is a great player, but we already have a better squad than United, so why would we help them by giving them our best player.

Manchester United do not want Rooney on his current terms, and they are doing lots of PR try and get Fabregas, not exactly classy

Re: Rooney to Chelsea saga

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I think Rooney won't move to Chelsea or anywhere else. He'll probably end up staying at United.
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