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02-06-2024 10:48
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Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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Right, be honest now...

Who here supports either...:
a.) ... The Football Club of the Town/City/Borough you were born in,
b.) ... The Football Club of the Town/City/Borough you currently live in.

I'm curious because I think people that support their Local Team are practically extinct!

Story behind my curiosity,
I went to a pub with the lads earlier today and naturally the Football chat started, it was all Premiership talk... which was cool (it didn't really interest me too much because I support my local team Reading, they're currently in the Championship), until two of my friends got into an argument about who was better, Arsenal or Chelsea.
I chipped in after 10 minutes and had to ask, "Does it really matter? You guys aren't in London and you've never actually seen them play live at their stadiums how can you be this passionate about it?"
Their response was basically, "We support them, problem? You're just mad you're team got relegated last year", then my foot came down and I asked for what team everyone supported, multiple Top Table Premiership teams got brought up... All, except for one, I was kinda disappointed at (the odd one out being someone I know that was born in Manchester and supported United) and my questions to them after that was:

Where's the fun in supporting the teams that are on the other side of the Country? Am I doomed to live in a world of Gloryhunters? Doesn't give you a weak sense of victory when your "team" wins a trophy, as you're not actually in the 100 mile radius of your team to celebrate in the streets with everyone?

Maybe I'm just grouchy, kinda what happens when you go to a packed pub for hours, not drinking (I quit drinking a few months ago) while listening to Premiership talk and having your team and your support slandered...

... but please tell me I'm not alone here!! xD
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Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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You are not alone here.

Even though i dont qualify for either of your criteria due to being born overseas, and then moving to the other side of the world, all my family comes from and currently live in Sunderland and ive seen them play on several occasions when i was still in or visiting the UK. I do however show my support by watching every one of their games live (work permitting) which entails getting up at 2am to watch us play like shit against West Ham and Norwich, just to name 2, but you better believe ill be up again in the middle of the night to watch us get beat by Everton on boxing day (27th here). Id much prefer the feeling of integrity than the empty feeling id get from supporting Man City, and never knowing the joys of relegation. Unless of course youve been a city fan for a while, then youd know aaaallllll about it.

I too hate the culture of supporting the big teams, as people are so scared of ridicule and have forgotten how to stand up for what they believe in these days that they just pick a big team and play the percentages. Im sure its nothing new either, but id bet that it has never been to this kind of extent before now.

Also geo, your title was very confusing, as i had sat here for a good 15 minutes with my hands raised before realizing it wasnt having any discerning effect on this thread.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I'm A person even though we are in the Skrill North (Conference North) but we Stockport fans have had it bad over past decade (with the exception of beating rivals Rochdale in the final of the League One Final at New Wembley).

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I live in sydney but i support melbourne victory.

Sydney plays worst

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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Support my local team (Adelaide) in the A-league and Aston Villa in the EPL (I did 6 months exchange in Birmingham, walking distance from Villa park). Although I had already chosen to support Villa before I went. Just a casual fan at best though.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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Mums side of the family come from Yorkshire, almost all of them support man city. I on the other hand chose Halifax Town, we went on a trip there in when I was 16 and I attended a local game, they won and survive relegation. Back then they were what would today be called league 2, but we currently reside in the conference, still after being put into relegation and demoted 3 leagues as a penalty for financial hardship, we have fought back admirable well over the last 4 seasons.

I watch/listen to the occasional Melbourne victory match, halifax games though don't exist anywhere as yet.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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scruttino wrote:
Mums side of the family come from Yorkshire, almost all of them support man city. I on the other hand chose Halifax Town, we went on a trip there in when I was 16 and I attended a local game, they won and survive relegation. Back then they were what would today be called league 2, but we currently reside in the conference, still after being put into relegation and demoted 3 leagues as a penalty for financial hardship, we have fought back admirable well over the last 4 seasons.

I watch/listen to the occasional Melbourne victory match, halifax games though don't exist anywhere as yet.

As a York fan, I have been to The Shay many a time. Don't think I've ever seen us win there, but it was always a cracking trip.

Ironically, I am born and bred in Leeds, but support York. Some sort of reverse of the above. (Well, it was at the time)

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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what is this obsession with having to live near the team you support to be a real fan?

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I support Liverpool in the premier league and have done for ~15 years. Can't remember how or why I came to support them, I think it was that I got a jersey as a present. I have no other connection to the UK. Though I did get to Anfield to watch them vs Xhelsea. A few years ago and watch all matches that are at a remotely reasonable time.

I don't watch the Australian league, its batshit boring. But when I do, I do support my local team Brisbane (though I have just moved to Sydney, Brisbane would still be my team). In all other codes I support the Brisbane teams too.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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Born and raised in Dallas, Texas, and will forever be a FC Dallas fan! I have season tickets and I drive 4 hours from my college to the game every matchday. Usually a 45 minute drive from my parents house during the summer break, but most games are during my school year. I sit in the 120 degree blazing hot stadium, and the 35 degree freezing cold with rain stadium no matter what.

Now only if we could hire a coach...
rockstarroberts wrote:
what is this obsession with having to live near the team you support to be a real fan?

There is a bond and feeling with the team that you will never experience if you don't support them. I watch every Tottenham and Real Madrid game I can, but this is not the same as with FC Dallas.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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My local team is Charlton, however half my family including my dad support Arsenal so I wasn't going to get to choose. The half of my family are from Yorkshire and support Leeds but I'm not even going there.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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Happy Holidays from Kohala Gunners FC

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I Live arround Porto but i support SL Benfica from Lisbon.

I support Liverpool in the premier league, Red Jersey like Benfica.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I am from Dingwall, Ross shire and support Ross County.

I live in Nairn and am going to watch Nairn County tomorrow vs Forres Mechanics - local derby in the Highland League.

All in all I ain't no glory hunter...

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I keep an eye on Marine Athletic as I used to live near them and would often try and watch them when I lived in Litherland, now I still support them since Liverpool Reserves often use Langtree Park but 99% of St Helens are gloryhunters by the bucket load.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I support my local team - Chicago Fire and have since almost the beginning (MLS is a relatively young league with not even two decades of history). Enjoyed going to Chicago Sting games when they were around, even though I was too young then to understand being a supporter v casual fan. Also consider myself a supporter of the local women's team the Chicago Red Stars - used to be a season ticket holder but summers got too busy. Don't necessarily consider myself a supporter of any EPL club, more of a casual fan with very loose alliances. I liked Blackburn back when Friedel was the keeper as it was a USA connection (can't say I've paid them much attention lately though), still follow Fulham since they seem to have a number of Americans rolling through their roster regularly.

I don't so much feel the same frustration as there are very few who live in Chicago and are aware of MLS who are not fans of the Fire, but I do find it humorous that so many people living in the Chicago area are such ardent fans of a particular EPL team (ManU, Chelsea, Tottenham, Liverpool, and Arsenal are the big ones folks are always talking about).

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I live in a state that has no active Soccer"football" club. The closes MLS team that i got to root for is Sporting Kansas City which is about a 3 hour drive from me my house. I root for them, but thats about it. I never attended a match. I do watch them play sometimes.

But I see myself being a Huge fan for Real Madrid CF, ever since 2001 when Zidan first played their. Other then that, I also support Liverpool FC,

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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Lived in Fort William when i became a fan of Inverness Caley Thistle, now living in Inverness and can get to every home game. The club dished out free tickets to the schools when i was in primary school so that got me started plus they were my local team. 99% of the people living in FW are old firm fans and its a very similar story in most small towns. Was at the Celtic - Inverness game last season and would put money on the fact there was more fans going down the road to support Celtic than the team of their home town and all i ever see around Inverness seem to be Green and Blue shirts!

On a different note, out of my group of close mates i am the only one that doesn't support an English team. Don't get me wrong, i love to watch English footie and i like the atmospheres that the game creates plus all the gifted players but i don't feel i have to support a Man United or Arsenal. It is just so easy to adopt a team like Man United and there is nothing more infuriating than having one of those mates looking down at my team calling then 'crap' or even my league when the game these days on the bigger scale is literally all about money and very little else. Out of the 7 of us, one is a Liverpool fan, 1 an Arsenal fan, 2 are Man United fans, 2 are Chelsea fans and between the lot of them i think only the Man United fans have ever been to games...maybe 3 between them. I think when it comes to supporting a team it is nice to at least have an affilliation with the team you support and choosing a top 5 team from the richest league in the world is nothing short of glory hunting when you have absolutely nout to do with them.

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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You and I shall always be rivals now !!!

Dirty scummy Caly tink H

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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mosmosmos wrote:
As a York fan, I have been to The Shay many a time. Don't think I've ever seen us win there, but it was always a cracking trip.

If town can gain promotion then York will travel to the shay once more

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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brian_mcsnail wrote:
You and I shall always be rivals now !!!

Dirty scummy Caly tink H

Haha, sounds good to me pal. Although i think you know who the true tinks(gypo's) are!

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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Blackburn born and bred and lifelong Blackburn Rovers fanatic not some pathetic glory hunter that changes team every couple of years depending on what is fashionable

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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nomercyurz wrote:
Blackburn born and bred and lifelong Blackburn Rovers fanatic not some pathetic glory hunter that changes team every couple of years depending on what is fashionable

Thank you!! xD

I live in and support Reading and we just drew 1-1... felt amazing because, we probably didn't deserve it, we scored with pretty much the last play of the game. It feels much better walking home among a group of home fans that all loyally support your squad too.

Beantwortet: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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I live in Munich and, or course, I support FC Bayern! Yet I am their fan since I can think back, but I was living about 120km south :D

Re: Hands Up If You Support Your Local Team!

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120km south ? does that not make you Austrian lol
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