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Can we get some players on the 3d online game There are alot of users who are using MZ.we Need activity on PS too
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PS used to be very active for a long time, until it became pay to play, pretty much. Thats why i think it hasnt been active. MZ has a larger active community currently.


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lugut3 wrote:
PS used to be very active for a long time, until it became pay to play, pretty much. Thats why i think it hasnt been active. MZ has a larger active community currently.

its not free to play


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it is free to play now


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Yes, Power Soccer is the best game! ;) We all want to make this game active again!

We had a big cup what was called -LeedoChallenge-! Very big prizes were there guys so feel free to join us back! ;)


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I haven't properly played Powersoccer since the Pay-to-Play aspect.

Just won my first game in 4 years!
2012-09-02 > 2016-02-05


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michael9599 wrote:
I haven't properly played Powersoccer since the Pay-to-Play aspect.

Just won my first game in 4 years!
2012-09-02 > 2016-02-05

yay, its nice to see old people coming back to PS ;)


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It's best for a person to be a club member and have the skill packages. Otherwise it's a waste of time.


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My players are to slow - Thanks to no player upgrades for non CM past level 50, I doubt I will play much again...


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I started playing PS then i saw MZ being advertised back in 2007, haven't gone back since lol


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michael9599 wrote:
My players are to slow - Thanks to no player upgrades for non CM past level 50, I doubt I will play much again...

This is the exact reason I'm critical of the P2P aspects of MZ that give club members big advantages over non paying users.

The big problem, like I said in the other topic, for PS was the fact it was a PvP football game. With PS4, XB1, etc. having Fifa Ultimate Team, one of the biggest selling games and it's extras, powersoccer stood no chance unfortunately and it's no surprise it's gone next month. Not due to the CREWs fault, but for the fact a huge game has drawn many people away from smaller games such as power challenge.


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matttombstone wrote:

The big problem, like I said in the other topic, for PS was the fact it was a PvP football game. With PS4, XB1, etc. having Fifa Ultimate Team, one of the biggest selling games and it's extras, powersoccer stood no chance unfortunately and it's no surprise it's gone next month. Not due to the CREWs fault, but for the fact a huge game has drawn many people away from smaller games such as power challenge.

I beg to differ. As one of the old-time PS user and have been in the game for almost 7 years. I must say that the reason on why PS fall is not because of the rivalry from other online game. If it is, PS won't last for 11 years ! That's my friend, it's long way to go. The main reason on the PS fall is because of the pay-to-play concept that kill the game and the community as a whole. Before pay-to-play concept being introduced by the Crew, the game manage to attract at least 6000 users on average. PS was super active at that particular time until the pay-to-play concept take place. Despite from all the great suggestion and constructive criticism from us (the admin team) on how to solve this problem, Crew seems to ignore the most part of our idea on how to generate revenue in PS without killing the game. Sadly but true. As a consequences, PS will be buried in just a few weeks more. I'm still hoping that day will not come.


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There are a multitude of reasons why PS is shutting down, we have been over them at length over on PS so I won't go into it again here. But the "ptp" aspect isn't a reason why the game is shutting down, in fact it's the reason the game was there at all. It's impossible to fund anything by giving it away for free, pretty self-explanatory stuff I'd say.


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Google Chrome killed the PS!

Seeing how the Firefox (only browser you can play the game with) is getting less and less popular, just as it was with PS, I'd say there lies the reason!

Blame the Chrome :p


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powdersnow wrote:

There are a multitude of reasons why PS is shutting down, we have been over them at length over on PS so I won't go into it again here. But the "ptp" aspect isn't a reason why the game is shutting down, in fact it's the reason the game was there at all. It's impossible to fund anything by giving it away for free, pretty self-explanatory stuff I'd say.

I will agree with you somewhat with this statement, but only somewhat. I wasn't around when PS became P2P (Though I'm pretty sure it was you who scored the goal against me during testing when it went above the corner flag! But I digress) so I can't comment on that too much. I don't think people have issues with paying for games, but the issue would be the amount you can easily and quickly spend. With PowerSoccer, if it cost anywhere near as much as MZ can cost, then I can honestly say that games like FIFA were destined to help put the nail in its coffin. Why pay a small fortune for a game that graphically is far in superior and doesn't offer the same level of game play options, etc.? That's not a dig, it's just the reality there, I didn't play PowerSoccer for similar reasons, I enjoyed Fifa.

Lessons can be learnt with this, and can help to turn ManagerZone around, the reality is the user numbers are reducing with MZ, I think anyone honest enough with themselves would agree. What really needs to happen is to reduce the amount of things you pay for and offer a few little bits for free. The U18 leagues being free may cost the game money, but those who have U18 teams who are successful who currently don't play U18, U21 and U23 may be tempted into paying for the national and divisional cups and the higher leagues to see how far that team could really go. I know full well if my U18 team was demolishing the top league I'd want to take them on to further success in the U21 and U23 leagues and the cups.

ManagerZone is lucky compared to PowerChallenge. MZ survived it's greatest threat a few years ago in terms of Football Manager Live. It was an expensive game and it flopped pretty quickly, if they came back for another go with it, with reduced costs and formidable graphics, ManagerZone could struggle, especially if that game was cheaper to play overall. MZ's biggest rival right now in terms of game play is Hattrick and both have survived side by side for over a decade.

I think some consideration of the pricing should be made, and if not make certain little things free, like the U18 leagues or the National Cups or one FL entry per month or something MZ risks going down the same route as PS, albeit significantly slower. I don't want this game gone as much as the next user, and I'm sure you guys in the hierarchy don't want it gone either, after all it's not just a game for you guys, it's your livelihoods. I really hope somehow the game can turn a corner but the people to talk to isn't yourselves or the xA's but the community as a whole. I won't ever say make everything free, I know games like this need development, and that costs (technology, staff, etc.) but offer a few P2P as free just to help drum up some interests. If I could create a free friendly league each month or join a free friendly league each month and so could every other user, it'd be much easier to convince friends to join and keep them in the game when you can run local tournaments against each other. Drumming up interest is the key here guys.

I just want to make it clear I am on the games side and the users side here, I'm not being negative or anything, I'm just offering up opinion on how to ensure the game survives, some of which have been shared by other users.


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Cheers Matt. Rest assured we're always looking to learn from everything we do.

Many Power Soccer fans will tell you that PS is just as fun to play as the competitors you mentioned. It's also a lot more convenient, you can start playing from any computer and it takes a split second to download. The costs associated for the users isn't as high as for those games and you need no high-end computer or expensive console to play it. PS was always more about the community aspect than other similar titles, which also adds a layer of entertainment. I think MZ fans tend to forget things like that when you cast your verdict on PS. All in all, PS is a very likable game, but unfortunately it didn't appeal to the market we were targeting. We tried various models in terms on p2p through the years, but contrary to here on MZ a good balance wasn't found (or the market for the type of game was too thin to begin with).

You can't compare the two games because MZ is a robust product which has cemented its' role in an important market, whereas with PS we never reached that point. And MZ is a game that fits perfectly in with modern technology while PS unfortunately doesn't.

None of that changes the fact that PS closing is pretty damn heartbreaking.


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Appreciate your response powder =)

I accept that PS required no high spec PC and expensive consoles, and it's portability. Unfortunately I think the real reason was the fact people these days have that convenience, why login to a PC or laptop when you can do everything in the palm of your hand? The younger population is certainly like that (Christ, I sound old lol) these days. Instead of logging into a PC to play a game they have Candy Crush, colour switch, etc. all at hand. If PS was to ever relaunch, launch it as an app game for the app store and google play, I bet it fairs better.

There does seem to be the P2P mentioned a lot in regards to PS and the story here is true. Like I've already said, I'm not for one minute suggesting you make MZ free to play, just level the playing field so there's no big advantage to paying users. 1 free FL each month or even just make the U18 leagues free to lure people to pay for U21 and U23 with a very successful batch of youths (plus the cups). If I had an incredible youth team with amazing quality in it, I'd be paying up for the U18 national cup and divisional cup, then the U21 and U23 leagues as well as the cups as they progressed, I'd have big potential for trophies so why not?

The one thing that should change is the National Coach role, it used to be free, now we see some of the least active communities with no national coach. What's the benefit to the game and the interest of your local community if there's no national coach? There's no benefit to the game, surely this one thing can change.

My heart really does go out to you guys though, something that's been a huge part of your lives has now gone and it's horrible for you. Chin up and focus on making managerzone fulfil it's potential!


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At least defenders in Power Soccer can slide tackle! xD

I was an avid player of this game years back, even throughout the period where you could only play 3 games a day... But when that stopped and you guys brought in tickets, that's when I left the game.

It will be sad to see the game go, but hopefully it will leave a legacy and also bring in new, active members! (Looking at the Power Soccer Federation, there are loads of managers within it that has the blue 'n' badge beside their username!)


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michael9599 wrote:
Looking at the Power Soccer Federation, there are loads of managers within it that has the blue 'n' badge beside their username!)

Yeah thanks to Crew for that, they are giving a bunch of tokens to start over in MZ and also we can transfer the tokens that we have in PS to MZ as well. But current admins in PS are the most fortunate, we got a lot more tokens than a normal user as a symbol of appreciation from Crew. And for that, I thank you.


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maria171 wrote:
Yeah thanks to Crew for that, they are giving a bunch of tokens to start over in MZ

Really? Where is my bonus!


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By bunch of tokens, I mean it's worth 1 month of CM in here. For current admins, it's triple. ;)


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maria171 wrote:
Yeah thanks to Crew for that, they are giving a bunch of tokens to start over in MZ and also we can transfer the tokens that we have in PS to MZ as well. But current admins in PS are the most fortunate, we got a lot more tokens than a normal user as a symbol of appreciation from Crew. And for that, I thank you.

Yeah it's hard to figure out a way to properly thank people for giving you such a large chunk of their time. Our admins have invested themselves in the game and fought very hard to keep the community alive, and now it's closed down. Hopefully this payout can serve as a token of appreciation (pun intended!).

matttombstone wrote:
Appreciate your response powder =)

I accept that PS required no high spec PC and expensive consoles, and it's portability. Unfortunately I think the real reason was the fact people these days have that convenience, why login to a PC or laptop when you can do everything in the palm of your hand? The younger population is certainly like that (Christ, I sound old lol) these days. Instead of logging into a PC to play a game they have Candy Crush, colour switch, etc. all at hand. If PS was to ever relaunch, launch it as an app game for the app store and google play, I bet it fairs better.

There does seem to be the P2P mentioned a lot in regards to PS and the story here is true. Like I've already said, I'm not for one minute suggesting you make MZ free to play, just level the playing field so there's no big advantage to paying users. 1 free FL each month or even just make the U18 leagues free to lure people to pay for U21 and U23 with a very successful batch of youths (plus the cups). If I had an incredible youth team with amazing quality in it, I'd be paying up for the U18 national cup and divisional cup, then the U21 and U23 leagues as well as the cups as they progressed, I'd have big potential for trophies so why not?

The one thing that should change is the National Coach role, it used to be free, now we see some of the least active communities with no national coach. What's the benefit to the game and the interest of your local community if there's no national coach? There's no benefit to the game, surely this one thing can change.

My heart really does go out to you guys though, something that's been a huge part of your lives has now gone and it's horrible for you. Chin up and focus on making managerzone fulfil it's potential!

I hear you about the handheld, completely agree. Suddenly PS were competing with the likes of Wordfeud with very low production value. I still think PS is a super cool game though, I'm still playing it on my free-time at times, just because it's so much fun. Porting PS to handheld is beyond us unfortunately, that's a massive undertaking.

I'm personally not sure about FTP (free-to-play). There is a balance to be found for sure but personally, my view is that FTP makes people greedy to a point where they start demanding handouts. That's not a good environment for any venture. It results in customers having to pay extra in order to cover the expenses of those who don't pay, and that's pretty unfair. I'm not saying we need to put a price tag on everything, but we have to be wary of the risks involved in allowing users to play the game for free. I'm not sure most MZ/PS users are aware of these risks.

Allowing users to test the game for free is another matter but I think we have that covered pretty well in MZ.


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ManagerZone historically was aimed at Free to play with added Pay to play aspects without any disadvantage if you didn't pay, the only thing that was even slightly considered unfair was the extra cup income (at one point the final had no income limit, teams who frequently made finals had capacity of 100,000+ eventually capped to a reasonable level). The past few years the game has ditched the level playing field between paying and non paying members and whether coincidentally or by the reason, as the game introduced more P2P features the user numbers have decreased.

Now I'm totally with you on the balance, but look at how much things cost right now. I'm not saying give everything for free, but consider just making a couple of things free.

matttombstone wrote:
matttombstone 15-03-2016 19:16 Reply to guestbook Delete message
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Don't worry I won't be putting any cash into it haha. I'm back though :)

The National Coach role was historically free and it was changed, changing the basis of becoming elected, not by merit but by the fact you pay, and that shouldn't really be the case. You also have U18, U21, U23 and world leagues that are pay to play. The youth academy is an important aspect of the game and to get new and old users into training youths the U18 league can go a long way to helping get people interested in developing the youths. If you made that one free, yes, the income from that league will be eliminated, but I can imagine there's a lot of people out there who play in 1 or 2 Uxx/world leagues. If the U18 becomes free, they'll simply pay for the other two. Those out there that pay just for U18 league and then get it for free, may well spend money on entering U18 cups or the U21 league, etc. Keep all the other ones pay to play, sure, but give something back to the players, just to keep free members interested and not watch the user numbers continue to fall.

Just to put it into perspective how much the game costs right now. Say I want to have club membership, also play in all the Uxx/world leagues as well as enter 2 friendly leagues each month, the total cost breaks down as follows.

For this example I have taken the cheapest possible PT cost, that being I have "invested" in 500 PT for £67.01.

At that exchange rate 1PT = £0.13402

For club membership (again for example, I have chosen the cheapest possible package, 24 months at 384 PT) the monthly PT cost is 16 PT.

U18 league - 25PT
U21 league - 25PT
U23 league - 25PT
Not true.
1 Ticket gives access to all Youth Leagues.
Youth Leagues last 3 MONTHS (1 Season) 4 Tickets offer available.

World League - 8PT
U18 World league - 8PT
Not true. 1 Pass gives access to all World Leagues. 4 Pass offer available.

The youth and world leagues are calculated at the reduced CM only amount.

2 non prized Friendly leagues - 10 PT (I can't see any discounts in CM section)

So the total monthly cost...

CM - 16 PT (£2.14432)
Leagues - 25PT x 3 = 75 PT (£3.3505 x 3 = £10.0515)
Not true.
Leagues - 15PT / 3 = 5 PT for all Youth Leagues per month (= £0.67)

World league - 8 PT x 2 = 16 PT (£2.14432) Includes U18 World league
Not true.
All World Leagues - 5PT (=£0.53)

FL - 10 PT (£1.3402)

Total - 117 PT (£15.68034, or £15.68 in real money)
A huge exaggeration/lie.
Total – 16 + 5 + 5 PT (=£3.48)

Now to get the annual costs I'm aware it's slightly different due to the leagues, but we'll do it anyway.

CM - 16 PT x 12 = 192 PT (£2.14432 x 12 = £25.73184)
Youth leagues - 75 PT x 4 = 300 PT (£10.0515 x 4 = £40.206)
Not true.
Youth leagues – 40 PT = 40 PT (= £5.36)

World leagues - 16 PT x 12 = 192 (£25.73184)
Not true.
World leagues - 5 PT x 12 = 60 (£8.04)

Friendly leagues - 10 PT x 12 = 120 PT (£1.3402 x 12 = £16.0824)

Annual total 804 PT which comes to £107.75208, £107.76 in real money
A huge exaggeration/lie.
Annual total 192+40+60PT which comes to £39.13 (plus £16.08 if you want to play 24 Friendly Leagues for fun as well)

£107.76 is a lot of money really for what the game is right this minute. It is also not true. Now I'm not arguing club member cost, £2.15 is pretty spot on for what you get each month and considering you can enter a few cups each month for free, what you're essentially doing is refunding all the club members their money back anyway. So in a sense club membership is costing the company potential income if you can enter 4 free cups each month, plus the extra bonuses such as player notes, extra tactics, etc. club membership is actually a steal... I might actually get it now, I've argued myself into seeing how much of a steal it is! But the point is, the game is expensive to play if you want to participate properly. A few little freebies can't hurt and can help to make the game more interesting for new members, thus increase their interest.

/Main inaccuracies highlighted - Patrick
Edited: 27-04-2016 10:43
Total edits: 1


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To add for the cost. I'll take my favourite PS4 game - Battlefield.

Now before anyone argues, I know they're different but my point is I enjoy battlefield thoroughly.

The base game costs £44.99 on release.

The premium edition costs an additional £39.99

So for £84.98 I get a game that lasts around 2 years between release. The premium gives me 5 DLC, each with 4 new maps. New weapons, new vehicles, new camo, new this that and the other. Plus free battle packs, events, etc. for a year. What I also get is a game that plays well, graphically superior too and I'm playing against 64 players online. A game like that is cheaper, yet sees more production and development in a year and a lot of work put into it for the additional £39.99 I pay and I get a hell of a lot back for that money. I also get one very important aspect, player experience. Managerzone doesn't have the best of player experience with the current simulator, I'd argue it's one of the worst I've seen. Hockey's simulator however I really enjoy watching, so leave the code well alone for that or I'll cut your hands off =P.

Now I want to stress, I'm not slating the game here, just making some points. I want this game to succeed and I'm giving you feedback as a member of over 12 years, someone who put a lot of time in as an xA too.


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Matt, I don't want to be the grinch that ruined Christmas but for the users that player multiple youth leagues OR world leagues (aka, one, two or three of U18/U21/U23 youth leagues, and one or two of world/U18 world) only pay for one season pass, rather than one per league per season (unless they only play in one youth league and/or one world league).


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coconut_wolf_bandit wrote:
Matt, I don't want to be the grinch that ruined Christmas but for the users that player multiple youth leagues OR world leagues (aka, one, two or three of U18/U21/U23 youth leagues, and one or two of world/U18 world) only pay for one season pass, rather than one per league per season (unless they only play in one youth league and/or one world league).

I was totally unaware of that, and I hadn't seen it advertised in the store as that and I'll be honest, I didn't fully read the youth/world league page.

In order to participate in these additional league formats, "Youth League" season tickets are required. Only one season ticket is needed to participate in one, two or three of the Youth Leagues (U18/U21/U23) for that season and it will be deducted once the Youth League season starts.

I have just seen that in the youth leagues, and it says pretty much the same in the world league too.

I'll hold my hands up, I got it wrong, and my post has been edited as to show that. No need for the lie dig though, I just was unaware 1 season ticket gave access to all youth/world leagues and I'd have expected to have seen it in the store or been higher up the youth/world league page; I wasn't trying to be malicious, just highlighting what I wrongly thought the game cost if you wanted to partake in all the youth leagues. My bad on that, and to be fair I didn't incorporate the average for the 3 months youth leagues, I just used the total hit, but I did incorporate it in my final calculation. I also didn't add the discounts to CM which I should have done.

All in all I was pretty successful in making a complete idiot of myself there!

To be fair, can't really argue the prices for the youth leagues now. I genuinely thought each one required a ticket individually and that was my main gripe about them. Now I see that's not the case then really, that's not a bad price and £39.13 is more than reasonable for what you get really in terms of CM, Youth leagues and world leagues.

I still think the NC role should be free though, you're not allowed a total victory Patrick, you'll have to make do with a 99% victory and showing me up instead =P

I'll go stand in the corner.



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If I recall correctly, the changes on the NC process where made to avoid having users get elected NC and then just disappear and leave the NT without a coach or a valid tactic setup, this was frequently the case for non-paying users getting elected on Countries with a smaller user base.


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darkline wrote:
If I recall correctly, the changes on the NC process where made to avoid having users get elected NC and then just disappear and leave the NT without a coach or a valid tactic setup, this was frequently the case for non-paying users getting elected on Countries with a smaller user base.

Fair point, but on the flip we now have countries with no coach whatsoever. For those countries it's possible the most active of user is a school student who can't pay to play but otherwise would put the time and effort in to manage the national team. I guess it's the lesser of two evils for this situation, but no NC means no reason to be interested in the NT.


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But when there's no human coach, there's a computer coach that takes the team instead, that means there are no 0-5 forfeits due to someone getting elected with 1/2 votes and then not bothering to even field a team, this happened quite often in the past.


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darkline wrote:
But when there's no human coach, there's a computer coach that takes the team instead, that means there are no 0-5 forfeits due to someone getting elected with 1/2 votes and then not bothering to even field a team, this happened quite often in the past.

Again, fair point and I know how annoying it got, especially when MZ added loads of new countries all at once and their user bases were extremely low.
That was in 2005/6, so your reference is over 10 years out of date.
There were a huge number of NT walkovers in:
New election rules introduced:-
2012 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2013 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2014 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2015 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2016 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
There are a few exceptions. The Reserve Coach makes an occasional mistake and didn't field a full tactic. Approximately 1 in 1000 matches.

A few times none CM NCs were appointed to fill vacant slots (this was tried in Wales too) and the result was invariably the same, NT abandoned after a few matches and the NC used the tools to spy on other teams.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you don't have an NC your NT doesn't part-take in the competitions, from what I can see there's the 2016 World Cup qualification currently running and Wales aren't taking part. In fact neither the senior or U21 teams have been involved in an international cup tournament since 2014. Where's the fun in that?
Become a CM and support ManagerZone and your NT?
For less than the cost of 2 bags of Pwllheli Welsh No 8 Rock ( you can contribute to a month of CM.

If you have no NC or an NC that's gone AWOL what would it matter? Surely the computer can be programmed to take over and ensure an active tactic is available before an NT cup match takes place? All it'd have to do is run a check to ensure that every NT has a valid tactic set up then lock them in, any without a valid tactic then an automatic tactic is set and locked in. This check could run say 3 hours prior to a match.

Edited a few points above. It took a while a to fine a site that still sells Pwllheli rock, now that the shop is closed.

*Also my spell checker kept changing Pwllheli.
Edited: 01-05-2016 00:31
Total edits: 4


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matttombstone wrote:

That was in 2005/6, so your reference is over 10 years out of date.
There were a huge number of NT walkovers in:
New election rules introduced:-
2012 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2013 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2014 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2015 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2016 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
There are a few exceptions. The Reserve Coach makes an occasional mistake and didn't field a full tactic. Approximately 1 in 1000 matches.

A few times none CM NCs were appointed to fill vacant slots (this was tried in Wales too) and the result was invariably the same, NT abandoned after a few matches and the NC used the tools to spy on other teams.

Become a CM and support ManagerZone and your NT?
For less than the cost of 2 bags of Pwllheli Welsh No 8 Rock ( you can contribute to a month of CM.

Edited a few points above. It took a while a to fine a site that still sells Pwllheli rock, now that the shop is closed.

*Also my spell checker kept changing Pwllheli.

Patrick, I feel you maybe taking my posts a little too personal and anti-ManagerZone here. You pointed out I was wrong on the pay to play and I conceded that, I genuinely had made a mistake and I haven't really gone on about the cost to play the game since, just suggested a couple of little freebees to make the game keep new members. I'm pro MZ and it's future, I don't criticise for the fun of it, I criticise as I believe the game needs some changes, they're my opinions and if people disagree that's fine.

matttombstone wrote:

That was in 2005/6, so your reference is over 10 years out of date.
There were a huge number of NT walkovers in:
New election rules introduced:-
2012 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2013 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2014 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2015 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
2016 No NT walkovers, active NT in competitions
There are a few exceptions. The Reserve Coach makes an occasional mistake and didn't field a full tactic. Approximately 1 in 1000 matches.

A few times none CM NCs were appointed to fill vacant slots (this was tried in Wales too) and the result was invariably the same, NT abandoned after a few matches and the NC used the tools to spy on other teams.

I don't really see why that part needed any real response. It was meant of "I get your point, it happened when these countries came in". I was NC of Wales at that time so my point was simple, I understood the annoyance. It maybe out of date, but what it was saying wasn't, it was used to agree with Darklines point though experience.

Fair enough on your point on the NT walk overs, but I did suggest a way to counter-act it at the end of my post whilst having active/inactive NC's but that wasn't replied to. I understand the need for interesting, competitive NT competitions, it's annoying when loading up to find that it was a 5-0 walk over given, it's frustrating in the league and it was frustrating as an NC when you wanted to watch the game you'd prepared for. Why couldn't my suggestion be done?

I get your point on the NT admin tool abuse on spying on other teams, people are like that unfortunately.

matttombstone wrote:

Become a CM and support ManagerZone and your NT?
For less than the cost of 2 bags of Pwllheli Welsh No 8 Rock ( you can contribute to a month of CM.

I'm aware of the monthly CM cost and I'm aware it pays itself back in cup entry. I've changed my tone on Club Membership over the recent week, I think it's good value for money, but I feel too much is given to CMs still, a couple of things being made free to play would be better and go a long way to help keep people interested and make the game more attractive to new members. I am considering getting club membership, but I'm a bit hesitant right now due to a concern. I'd rather discuss that privately rather than publically though.

But all in all Patrick, I'm just voicing my opinions and having a friendly debate. I like the game, I enjoy the game, I'm just concerned about it's dwindling user numbers and want to help get the game back on its feet =)


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Hmm, re-reading that. Sorry if it comes across a bit stroppy! Wasn't meant to be stroppy-esque! Maybe read it with "Benny Hill - Ernie the fastest milkman in the west" playing in the back ground, might come across a little less like a sulking child then =P


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It just closed. :'(


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:( :( :(


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Sad stuff indeed :(

But on a brighter note my last game against 12cristian was amazing. Lot's of chances, friendly banter and a 2-2 score that probably left both of us happy. The perfect end to an era.
Edited: 16-05-2016 11:43
Total edits: 1


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On a completely different note , powdersnow if you ever see jonas eriksson in real life , can you slap him for me ...He just costed my favorite a team the Europa league and maybe give him some tips on how to be a better ref , thanks.


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footballswag wrote:
On a completely different note , powdersnow if you ever see jonas eriksson in real life , can you slap him for me ...He just costed my favorite a team the Europa league and maybe give him some tips on how to be a better ref , thanks.

Mr. Erikkson did a wonderful job. :)


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mittekeegi wrote:
Mr. Erikkson did a wonderful job. :)

No. 3 handballs, at least 2 of them should have been given but Erikkson had other ideas.
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