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02-06-2024 09:18
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Football » English » Questions & Answers

Million Dollar Question

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What is the best tactic to use? I saw many teams use a narrow 3-2-3-2 or similar. What works against what? Can you share some tips? :)
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Re: Million Dollar Question

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brikkun wrote:
What is the best tactic to use? I saw many teams use a narrow 3-2-3-2 or similar. What works against what? Can you share some tips? :)

That’s a very broad question. It depends on many things like what tactic your opponent is playing, what skills your players have and many more.

The tactic you mentioned is fine in some Uxx leagues but team who plays wings would dominate you.

Best suggestion I’d have a look around what teams only slightly better than your are playing and trial some in Friendlies. Don’t get caught up in what the best teams are playing as it’s likely they’ve bought specific players for those tactics

Re: Million Dollar Question

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How can I learn more about the efficacy of a position for a player with a particular set of skills? Let's put aside for the moment the tactic of the opponent at least I want to ensure I play at my full potential.
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