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02-06-2024 10:03
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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3rd season still waitin to see a 4HP player to come to my academy
3 times changed all the youts + 3 by 9 season changes + every week 3 changes
2 times yout set up(for sure will not try 3rd never)
a week ago decide to make a last try and exchanged the youths under 18yo and result like always 11 with 2LP and 2 with 3 LP
Looking the market start to think that those player are only for contries like Sweden and Argentina
will crew make any update at this, especialy to use token and get this dissaster is insulting the customers
this game has the wors marketing I have ever see at online game(pleyed a lot)
just add more good players upcoming so people be happy and play and pay
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Sv: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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Certainly not only for big contries. I am in Norway where veeeeeeery few play. I am not a cm either. Have 5 or 6 juniors with 4H and 1L or 2L. Just keep trying, mate. If u have played a lot of mobile games, u should be familiar with the unloving RNGeebus :)

Beantwortet: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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I am from a smaller country and i had 3 4 star so far.

Also you can really trick yourself into thinking that it is the big nations but in reality they jsut have thousand players meaning they have like alot more youth players. The bigger the market the more will people are to sell their players for money because they know when they have enough the can buidl a decent team.

Re: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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What is "HP", "H", "L"?

When you receive the youths, do they come with some balls for some skills?

Are they all 16 when they arrive, or some are 15?

Beantwortet: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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every youth you have lightning sign. There you can perform a scout report. It gives you 3 star ratings:

High Potential (HP) for 2 skills in which he gets the most balls
Low Potential (LP) for 2 skills these max the earliest
Training Speed (TS) relative training speed

Note result can vary a bit but there are extensive stats in other language forums how likley you get X balls with X star rating.

Re: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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Yes youth come with some amount of ball for 16 year old it is something between 8-20 ball random distributed. Some skill are already pretrained too.

If you order via YOuth academy overview, you get 16 years old youth.

If you order via Custom Setup ( paid content) you can order 16/17/18 year old youths but the skill are randomly trained. While the ball amount is correct the distrbution of them are often bad.

So i recommend to us the normal order Process.

third feature at the start of the season you get 9 youth you can exchange with the youth you already have. After that you get 2 (3 if you finished youth tour) every week to swap out. All are 16 year old in the youth exchange.

Re: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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Thank you!

And what is the pace at which the youths are coming? If I want to have 23 youths, how long will it take for all 23 to arrive?

Re: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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The number of Players at your Youth Academy can only be increased between day 1-11 and day 41-46 in each Season.

If it is your first youth, then usually anytime you put the slider from 0 to 23 or what ever number you desire.

The custom youth is also instant. They received training until this day. b ut as said not really recommend from my point of view.

Only thing why it would make sense is that you first season use custom setup to get 17 years. When this youth graduates you custom setup get 23 18 years and therefore you have 46 youths with onyl 1 season in between.

Re: are 4 HP players only for big countries?

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In LT we ofcourse recieve good players with 4 HP and 2 LP.
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