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02-06-2024 07:34
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
Online: 5 149


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

Unmaxed after changing club

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Idea of completely revolutionizing the transfer market. When a player changes teams it would be possible to unlock his maxed skills.

Of course not in every case,e. g. in a scouting report you can add the probability to unlock or not, or it could be quite random too. This would lead to a situation where unlucky blocks would not derail the player, but he would get a second life on the transfer list. This would be a reflection of the state in reality when a player is "rebuilding" on a new team.
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Απ: Unmaxed after changing club

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nice idea

Re: Unmaxed after changing club

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Makes sense, would be interesting. It would probably have to be random and the buying manager would have to be completely unaware of which skill could be unlocked. Then it basically would make buying players even more interesting, as you might get really lucky.

Re: Unmaxed after changing club

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Hmmm would only encourage teams colluding transferring between themselves trying to improve their players.

Ri: Unmaxed after changing club

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Chucky is right, unless you introduce the chemistry table I was talking about a while ago. In that case you can have a player changing team and passing the ball better or worse, depending on the value in that table.

Απ: Unmaxed after changing club

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vx wrote:
Idea of completely revolutionizing the transfer market. When a player changes teams it would be possible to unlock his maxed skills.

Of course not in every case,e. g. in a scouting report you can add the probability to unlock or not, or it could be quite random too. This would lead to a situation where unlucky blocks would not derail the player, but he would get a second life on the transfer list. This would be a reflection of the state in reality when a player is "rebuilding" on a new team.


Re: Unmaxed after changing club

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The opposite would also be true if this were implemented because this idea means all players transferred would either stay the same or improve. This would mean better players across the board. Therefore it should be reasonable to accept that some players would have less balls when going to a new club in order to maintain a balance. This shoots the idea down I am afraid.

Re: Unmaxed after changing club

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Why not give the owner this possibility?
Unlock a maxed skill for a fee. Let's say 500k €/$.
This way you make it managerial decisision if that unlock is worth buying.

And yes, the chemistry table is definitely needed.

Interesting suggestion.

Ce: Unmaxed after changing club

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pochettino wrote:
nice idea

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