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02-06-2024 02:18
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Youth Academy guide?

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Is there any good guide about Youth Academy? Or maybe can sameone explain:
As a new player should i open academy now or wait for new season?
How many youth i need to order and why?
Should i use Youth Exchange or just train what i get? Should i use exchange for whole season or only for 1-2 weaks?
Any advice for youth training? Wanna use them in my team as a future squad.
If you dont want post it on forum you can explain all in PM.
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Re: Youth Academy guide?

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Lots of questions, long answer.

1st question): the answer is up to you. I'm not sure how good the youth conditioning camp is compared to full season of regular training

2nd question): Again up to you. In the beginning, there are some managers that fire or sell their whole first team and play with a predominantly youth team so they can easily make money (since your weekly expenses will be very low).

The common breakdown is to divide your youth academy equally by age group, so you can have a steady stream of youths becoming seniors. You start by calling 10 youths the first season, you increase your youth academy to 21 next season, and then max it out the third season (you could pay to set up your youth academy like this, but that's optional). This way every season, you will have youths graduating to senior status.

You could also call all 32 the same season, but you will need to wait 3 seasons before they graduate.

I personally got rid of my first team, maxed out my youth academy, trained them till graduation, then did the breakdown thing I discussed above.

3rd question): Yes. When you receive new youths, check their scouting reports and make a note of their high potential, but especially their low potential skills.

I usually look to discard 2hp 1lp immediately, because you can find something better in the youth exchange. I also note 2hp 2lp players, and exchange them if I find something better in the youth exchange, but they are much harder to replace. I also sometimes exchange 1 star low potential if they have it in a key skill (power, shooting, checking), especially power.

you sometimes find 4 star high potential youths in the youth exchange, a 16 year old with many starting pucks, or a high potential goalkeeper, so you should keep an eye on it.

4th question): If its the end of the season, save your youth exchanges for when you receive a new batch next season. Then make a note based on scouting reports on people you want to exchange and use it until you have exchanged everyone you don't want. However, you should keep an eye on it in case you find a 16 year old wonderkid.

5th question: Everyone has different philosophies on this. And this is definitely the most complicated question of all, but some initial thoughts.

Position Skills
Keeper: Keeping, Stamina, Play Inteligence, Quickness
Defender: Power, Checking, Stamina, Skating, Quickness
Winger: Power, Shooting, Stamina, Skating, Quickness
Center: Everything that winger and defender has

If possible, beeline for training camp packages that have power in them when you send your youths. It's a common skill for everyone, and high power will determine if he is worth it for your future squad, and allow you to make a decision whether to invest in training camps for him for his early senior years. E.g. playing in the Greek top league, I generally consider adding youths to my senior squad if they have a minimum power of 9, and with that maxing, I consider whether I send them to training camp into their early 20s.

Avoid play intelligence (except for goalkeeper), puck control and passing for your youths (Train these skills last). Other skills are way more important.

You want to train your youths in such a way that they are well rounded. By the time they graduate, you want them to have a good number of pucks in most of their key skills (power, skating, stamina, quickness, shooting or checking) instead of 10 pucks in 2 or 3 skills, and 1 puck in everything else. So every time one of your youths gains a puck, you could rotate them to another skill so they increase all together.

I'll stop because im tired of writing. youth training is a biig question. Let me know if you want me to clarify anything or if you have other questions.

Just to clarify, a lot of this is my perspective on your questions. Not that they are necessarily wrong, just someone else could have a different opinion.

Re: Youth Academy guide?

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Thank you!

Re: Youth Academy guide?

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remember wrote:
Thank you!

no problem :)

Re: Youth Academy guide?

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