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02-06-2024 06:30
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 62
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Football » English » Federations

MZUSA Federation #14

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Here is the newest place to share news of the MZUSA Federation, chat with other US managers (as well as some from other countries), ask questions :S , seek advice, celebrate your ups :D and lament your downs ;( .

You can also find info about our tiered friendly leagues series and other competitions we may be running ;).

Below are the tables for the 24th edition of the tiered friendly leagues:

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Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Just created a Friendly Cup - CONCACAF CUP Season 51. Opened it up to all the countries in the region. Hopefully we can get some interest from folks outside of the US. Please join if you are interested.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Been thinking about the FL's again some. Is anyone interested in possibly breaking it into a top 4 from MLS and Div 1, Middle four from MLS and Div 1, and bottom from each league? If there are inactive or uninterested managers we can move teams up a "group" and then bring managers in from Div 2 to fill the last spots. Maybe still run a free FL for lower Division managers who are new to the game or interested in some friendly competition.

Tried the top team FL with the Canadian and Mexican top divisions but had little interest.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Tomorrow we will publish the 175th edition of the Zone USA. This will be part of the effort by MZ to have all the different country editions of the Zone to publish on the same day.

In addition to the usual suspects, there are also articles from several RA's from other countries (translated to English when necessary) including tips for newcomers, a world cup review, and more...

By the way, Maximanny (our Head RA) did the vast majority of the work setting things up and prepping for the big day. Nice work as always. :D

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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:$ Correction: Our HRA's username is maxiromamanny.

Sorry to get your user name wrong, Manny. :$

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Very well done, maxi. Enjoyed the articles. As always, thank you very much for all your efforts, maxi and tree.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Alright, since we are taking a break from the tiered leagues this season as we investigate new fresh ways to proceed, the D League has been rebranded as the MZUSA FL Season 51 - Free League. Invites have gone out to last season's participants and the newcomers (returnees) who posted last season in this thread. We have sent out more than 16 invites so it will be filled on a first come basis.

If anyone is still interested in having us run the top tiers, I can set them up relatively quickly and get the invites out. Let me know.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Wish me good luck on wednesday ,im playing the final of top and 1 league ca us and aus,,,its gonna be a tough game against canada top team

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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You have my wish of luck. Congrats on making it to the finals.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Thank you mr dowo

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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I lost but i got some money at least ,,

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Money is always nice. Good job either way.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Congrats on making it to the finals.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Congratulations to the winners of our Season 50 tiered friendly leagues:
A League - River Plate DB
B League - La Maquina 1942
C League - Delmont

There are still 4 matches to go in the D League.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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nobody hereeeeeee....eeee

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Like a ghost town, it is. Even funnier, all I hear outside my kitchen window is the chirping of crickets. Somehow appropriate...

Anyway, the MZUSA tiered friendly league Free (D) League is up and running. I'll try to post the table later. Need to get my articles together for the next edition of the Zone and that will be a good change to get the widget.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Kind of an odd mix, not the traditional D League focus on lower leagues. Although some of the more established teams are coming back from hiatus or a rebuilding season.

Based on the general lack of interest in the CONCACAF Season 51 Cup, it may be difficult to get any international competitions going for our region. Many of the Canadian teams are not interested in buying tokens to participate and I received little response from other teams.

Anyone have any other ideas as to how to freshen the FL's? Or any regular contact with regional teams who may be interested in such a competition?

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hellooooo,, no A league invitations sent? ,,thats it ,its over?,maaannnn

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Seems nobody in the top tier has any interest...other than occasional posts by you, myself and McHutio.

I guess their involvement is in other federations!!! A shame we can't get any enthusiasm from USA user's...not only here but in other parts of the English forum, too.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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MLS table, placed here so I can copy the image to the latest issue to the Zone USA. Dynamic not static image.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hi Guys,I would like to join FL :)

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Unfortunately, we have only one FL going at the moment. Next season we will be bringing back some version of the tiered leagues or perhaps something entirely new. We do have a friendly cup which we put together for all teams in the CONCACAF region. You should already have an invite for that.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Look for CONCACAF CUP Season 51 in the friendly cup section. In is open for entries until September 29.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Enjoyed the Zone. Some good articles and interview. Thanks for all your work.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Thanks MZUSA magazine.It was a great edition with very helpful info and FAQ.Great job!
Moving form tomato to tomorrow...
I agree with openning the federation to north and central america countries.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Congrats to dowopado on currently being the highest ranked USA manager. Nice job!

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Simply amazing. I soar in the MZ rankings to 38th, yet I lose to darkline in the finals for the Nat Cup. Congrats to darkline for raining on my parade.hahahaha

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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He eliminated me as well just before the money spots. Congrats on making the final.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Oops, my bad. Just checked and I did manage to get into the top 8. SO he knocked me out at the quarter finals.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Congrats to Orkan, North Conway FC, and Playful River Otters on taking the top three spots in the MZUSA Free Friendly League this season.

Also a shout out to Hewler for just missing out by goal difference on the number three spot.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hey, Tree Amigos, I hope you don't mind me offering an apology here for that disastrous U23 National Cup final. So, here it is:

To the Participants of the "U23 - National Cup USA - Season 51":

I apologize to all of you, all 80 participants of the "U23 - National Cup USA - Season 51," for the final of the U23 National Cup: an 8-1 trouncing of my side by Platteville AFC. The result was in no way an indication of my U23 side's quality or the quality of previous opponents (or all opponents on my half of the final draw). If I knew I would have selected the wrong tactic ("I," my tactic for form, instead of "H," my alternative U23 tactic that took into account dismissals from the previous game), then I would have preferred to go down in the semis, the quarters,..., even in group play rather than finish second with the epitome of an appalling performance (Tahiti-esque--although, I did not celebrate my lonesome tally). ([Expletive], I would've been better off not fielding a side for the final.)

Congrats to Plattesville AFC for winning the Cup! Up to this point in my ManagerZone career, Plattesville AFC and Pinesville AFC have been the two teams (that I can recall with relative ease) that have constantly barred me entrance into the deeper stages of previous U18, U21, and U23 National Cups. And I apologize that I did not field a side to test your formidable side's mettle.

I pride myself in always fielding a competitive side, so I'm terribly embarrassed and ashamed.



Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hey Marcus, no need to be embarrassed or apologetic. We all have had games (important games in League/Official Cups) we lost due to oversights of suspensions/injuries, or selecting the wrong tactic. Just ask darkline regarding his debacle in a finals match in a Official Cup (not sure which one, or how far back it was) but he got thumped 11-0 or 15-0 (not sure on the final score) because he chose to use an alternative tactic that suffered a gapping hole in his defense due to a red card/injury situations.

Anyhow, how are you? Haven't seen much of you in the NFL federation, rooting for your Carolina Panthers. Looks like they are going to be in the mix of playoff discussions.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Thanks, Bob! (And--indirectly--thanks, Darkline!) And in fairness, I scouted them and lost 3-2; however, an 8-1 defeat in a final due to a tactical blunder is still tough to stomach. (I want to hide lol.)

I'm doing better: still working towards improving my circumstance. How are you?

I know. I miss MZNFL. (I miss this one too, now that I think about; so much so that I'm trying to recruit managers from frequented sports forums [Operation Sports being the latest] to increase our user-base and, hopefully, improve our national ranking.) I'll probably return to the NFL Federation in the future to continue trying to nurture the relationship between Association football and American football. Probably, if every other team in the NFC South continues to struggle. Your Cowboys looked quite dominant last week--in every aspect: Offense, Defense, and Special Teams--especially, after facing the 49ers in a season opener (brutal).

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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tree_amigos wrote:
Congrats to Orkan, North Conway FC, and Playful River Otters on taking the top three spots in the MZUSA Free Friendly League this season.

Also a shout out to Hewler for just missing out by goal difference on the number three spot.

Apologies, this appears to have been premature as the competition is still on going. D'OH!

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Just created an MZUSA U18 Bonus Friendly League. Open to all members of the MZUSA Federation. Depending on interest, I may create a second for teams which didn't make it into the first.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Please invite me for any future friendly leagues, thanks!

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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U18 FL sitting at 14 of 16 teams signed on for the bonus. If you are a member of MZUSA you already received an invite. If you're not a member, but are a US manager and would like to give it a try leave a message here or in my GB. Hoping to start it by Monday.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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One spot left. Will definitely be starting FL next weekend to make sure it works towards the bonus.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Sorry i think i missed it

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Thanks, Manny and Erik, for the Zone. No apologies needed for it being late with the time and effort needed to put it together, and trying to balance that with personal life.

Enjoyed reading it but was a little disappointed there was no coverage of the Division Cups which concluded just 10 days ago. My boys won the prestigious Cup for Top League and Div 1 teams beating Orly from Canada in the Final. Reference

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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hi everyone, i am slowly coming back to the game, you probably saw me in the transfer market trying to put together a sort of competitive team, i just finished reading the zone, good job!
if you are having any kind of friendly leagues please let me know,


Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Congratulations Bob! Sorry for the lack of coverage, for some reason (time mostly) the Division Cups have not gotten coverage in the Zone. That said, if there is any in particular that people would like to read about, let us know and we will see if it can be covered. Also, if anyone wants to write an article for the Zone, let manny know and there is the possibility of getting tokens for a one off article (no need to sign on for the long term).

Welcome back alex.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Test to see what happens after a player is sold who's stats and flags were made available. Sale date 11/23/14 9:33 pm CDT, transfer date 11/24/14.
Mckinley Lujan

Age: 61

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hi everyone!
I just want to thank the Z magazine team for all the info they been bringing to us,love when there is a new edition.
I'd like to know when the MZUSA friendly league starts,I'd like to get an invite pls.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hello everyone, we are starting to work to design the next round of MZUSA Friendly Leagues. There is a poll in the MZUSA Federation. If you are not a member of the federation you can voice your opinion here.

The options we are considering are:
1)By average age, then top 11 value
2)Top 11 value only
3)By Division, then top 11 value
4)By last MZUSA FL's standing
5)Other - please make a suggestion to be considered

I hope to begin sending invites before the end of the season and to have the MZUSA FL's back up and running for next season.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hey Tree amigos,thanks for the latest MZ magazine,and please thank the rest of the crew also.You guy are doing a great job at keeping the nation informed with the new upgrade and tips on how to be a better manager,cheers to that!!!!
Not sure if you got my last post.I took a little brake at the end of last season,im back for good and would like a MZUSA Friendly League invitation for this coming season.
About the federation pool,i have casted my vote at the Federation page.
Thank you kindly for your attention.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Hey everyone! I am new to the game and I would like a MZUSA Friendly League Invitation for the season coming up.


Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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First round of invites are out for A and B tiers of the MZUSA FL's.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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Please count me for the FL's. Would like to play with other US managers other than in the league.

Re: MZUSA Federation #14

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yuroc: Your invite for the MZUSA FL Season 53 - C League went out today.

First round of invites out for C, D, and E leagues. New invites out for A and B to replace those not interested.

E league is free to join and geared towards lower value/division teams to help them to make friends and enjoy some of the fun which comes from healthy competition. Limited Sponsorships are also available to other teams if needed. We are also open to donations of tokens to continue to sponsor teams and tiers. Thank you and have fun.
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