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18-05-2024 23:18
Season 90 · Week 7 · Day 47
Online: 4 345


Football » English » Suggestions/Improvements

How about an extra skill ball?

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In the end-of-season game with the multiplier when you can purchase training chips with your points, how about adding an option for an extra skill ball to those players who are maxed out in a particular skill. I would see this as being strictly one skill ball per player for life and limiting the age range in which the players can 'earn ' this ball to say, 19 - 24 years old. So, if for example you have a 22-y-o player maxed on 5 passing, he could gain another ball and move up to 6, but after that, he is no longer eligible, no matter who he plays for. Personally, I think the game is getting old and needs an injection of something new in the prizes. What do you think?
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Re: How about an extra skill ball?

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It's enough you gain game advantages for real money (like balls with chips you get with real money), this has always been a definite NO - at least in my book and many that I know of.

Re: How about an extra skill ball?

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I wouldn't mind it if it wouldn't require PTs.
Spend budget money for a Intense Training Camp or something.

I wouldn't mind that.

The direction towards paw-to-win is not the way.

MZ was about being better manager, not better RL spender.
I agree that we should support the game as MCs, or spend PTs for more entertainment, but spending PTs for better players instead of improving our management has a thumbs down from me.
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